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Kentucky Harvest

Kentucky Harvest started working with NEXU in the Spring of 2016. Want to see our first projects? (Click Here)

Capital Campaign

1) Logo bank

2) Window cutout of logo

3) Donation request form

Logo money bank

Phillip the Truck, designed by NEXU, was transformed into a folding penny bank. The purpose of this design is be large cutouts that could be folded into money banks used at schools, gas-stations and restaurants.

Window cutout

We used the Phillip image to create sponsor stickers for fundraising and awareness. These cutouts are designed to be a donation option at the register in restaurants and gas-stations.

Donation request form

The donation request form created to ask existing contacts for capital. Kentucky Harvest’s highest cost is the fuel for transporting perishable and nonperishable goods to charities and food shelters all over Kentucky. We developed this form to be given at the time of delivery to the recipient location. The hope is the receiver of these goods will contribute small amounts to keep the Kentucky Harvest truck running.

Awareness Campaign

1) Awareness video

2) Radio public service announcement

Awareness video

We filmed and edited footage to create this video. The video was taken at Franciscan Kitchen, a recipient of Kentucky Harvest donations.

Radio public service announcement

The radio PSA was developed and read by previous WAVE TV producer and current Bellarmine faculty member Gary Fogle.

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